PJHS will host a dance for all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders on Friday, September 22nd from 6:30-8:00pm.
over 1 year ago, Peotone Junior High School
Dance 9.22.23
Please join us for our Open House tonight at 6:00pm.
over 1 year ago, Peotone Junior High School
Open House tonight
August 23, 2023 Peotone Parents & Families, We are very excited to be welcoming a guest speaker, Dr. Don Parker, to present to our 3rd-12th grade students and staff on Monday, August 28th. Dr. Parker is a former administrator who has focused his career on creating positive school climates, building relationships, and increasing resiliency to support student achievement. We are looking forward to his message on Monday. Dr. Parker will be meeting with our students in three separate groups: 3rd-5th Grade – 8:45-9:45 9th-12th Grade – 10:00-11:00 6th-8th Grade – 1:15-2:15 All presentations will be held in the Peotone High School gymnasium. 3rd-8th grade students will be transferred to and from the high school for the presentation.
over 1 year ago, Brandon Owens
Due to the excessive heat and humidity this week, the dismissal times for all Peotone Schools have been changed from a Common Plan release to a SIP Day dismissal. SIP Day dismissals will be in place this Wednesday (8/23), Thursday (8/24), and Friday (8/25).
over 1 year ago, Brandon Owens
Schedule Update
Due to an AT&T outage, all Peotone Schools are without internet and are unable to receive phone calls at this time (8/18). AT&T is aware of the issue and is looking to have it fixed as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience.
over 1 year ago, Brandon Owens
Due to an AT&T outage, all Peotone Schools are without internet and are unable to receive phone calls at this time (8/18). AT&T is aware of the issue and is looking to have it fixed as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience.
over 1 year ago, Brandon Owens
From Transportation Department: Bus Schedules were mailed out yesterday. If you do not receive anything by Monday please feel free to call us- 708-258-9605
over 1 year ago, Peotone Junior High School
Transportation Update
over 1 year ago, Peotone Junior High School
Please plan on attending on PJHS Supply Night on Tuesday, August 15th from 3:00-7:00pm.
over 1 year ago, Peotone Junior High School
PJHS Supply Night - August 15th
MENTAL AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SCREENING LANDSCAPE SCAN LISTENING SESSIONS: Please join the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), the seven Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Hubs, and the Children’s Behavioral Health Transformation Initiative for virtual listening meetings about mental and behavioral health screening of students in schools. ISBE is collaborating with the seven Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Hubs across the state to host these virtual listening sessions. A total of nine listening meetings are taking place across the state to provide an opportunity for districts and community members, including students, to offer input about mental and behavioral health screening in schools. Please email mentalhealth@isbe.net with any questions. Parent/Caregiver/Community Member VIRTUAL listening session held August 8 from 6:30pm-8pm. Register here: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=hv5kA8ZJ9Eq1LDNameV30U7s8uMnwHJFufaWfLTkx01UOVozRzBOMVpJQTlBRFE0OFVGTVFaME9XTi4u
over 1 year ago, Amy Loy
Mental Health Listening Session
Peotone CUSD 207U is seeking interest to becoming a member of our newly-created Advisory Committee on District Climate & Culture. Please review the attached image. If you would like to express interest in becoming a member, please complete the following Interest Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfzg-NqRWJK8OQSYbaSt7jPwXVIwT-PpZwouje7GUrcChZEfw/viewform
over 1 year ago, Brandon Owens
Advisory Committee
Peotone CUSD 207U is seeking interest to becoming a member of our newly-created Advisory Committee on District Climate & Culture. Please review the attached image. If you would like to express interest in becoming a member, please complete the following Interest Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfzg-NqRWJK8OQSYbaSt7jPwXVIwT-PpZwouje7GUrcChZEfw/viewform
over 1 year ago, Brandon Owens
Advisory Committee Flyer
over 1 year ago, Amanda Hertz
Peotone CUSD 207U is seeking qualified applicant(s) for the open position of Special Education Case Manager with a full or part time option. Interested candidates must possess his/her LBS 1 licensure and contact Amy Loy, Director of Special Services at aloy@peotoneschools.org to learn more about this opportunity to join our team!
over 1 year ago, Amy Loy
Full or Part Time openings
Peotone Junior High Families
over 1 year ago, Peotone Junior High School
School Supplies
RETURNING STUDENT REGISTRATION – Families will be receiving an email with information on how to register Returning Students for the 2023-2024 school year today, July 3rd. This email will contain a specific Snapcode for each student and a link to the Return Student Registration Portal. You will need to enter this Snapcode, log in with your Enrollment Portal information, and enter the birthdate for the student you are registering. The portal will be open beginning July 5. Register your students as soon as possible. If they are not registered, they will not be able to attend class on the first day. 2023-2024 Registration and Course Fees will be applied to PushCoin accounts on July 15. If you have questions please contact Jennifer Swanson, District Registrar, at 708-258-0991 ext 3112/ jswanson@peotoneschools.org. Thank you and have a great July 4th Holiday.
over 1 year ago, Brandon Owens
Returning Student Registration
PUBLIC NOTICE: (415 ILCS 65/) LAWN CARE PRODUCTS APPLICATION AND NOTICE ACT. Dear Parent, Guardian, or Staff Member, Illinois law (Lawn Care Products Application and Notification Act) requires all school districts to notify students and staff when lawn care chemicals are being used in or around school facilities. Please be aware that weed control and fertilization of the lawns/hardscape areas at all District 207U schools will take place on the following days: July 6 and 7, 2023. We are committed to minimizing the use of chemicals for weed control and lawn care, but at times, it is necessary to properly maintain the facility. If you have any questions about the application, please contact the Director of Buildings & Grounds at (708) 258-0991 Ext. 2125
over 1 year ago, Adrian Fulgencio
Catch up with the latest student stories, events, and news updates. It's everything Peotone, in your pocket. If you haven't already, download the app!

 Download for Android https://bit.ly/3M2UmM2
 Download for iPhone https://apple.co/40kdMR4
over 1 year ago, Peotone CUSD 207U
PUBLIC NOTICE: (415 ILCS 65/) LAWN CARE PRODUCTS APPLICATION AND NOTICE ACT. (RESCHEDULED) Dear Parent, Guardian, or Staff Member, Illinois law (Lawn Care Products Application and Notification Act) requires all school districts to notify students and staff when lawn care chemicals are being used in or around school facilities. Please be aware that weed control and fertilization of the lawns/hardscape areas at all District 207U schools will take place on the following days: June 22, 2023. We are committed to minimizing the use of chemicals for weed control and lawn care, but at times, it is necessary for the proper maintenance of the facility. If you have any questions about the application, please contact the Director of Buildings & Grounds at (708) 258-0991 Ext. 2125
over 1 year ago, Adrian Fulgencio